Would You Rather Christmas is the perfect way to keep family fun flowing this holiday season. Play through this list of 100 jolly Christmas This or That questions!

These Would You Rather Christmas questions are the perfect way to keep family fun flowing this holiday season. Play through this list of 100 jolly Christmas This or That questions one-on-one with the kids or make it a group party game!
Why This Is THE BEST List of Would You Rather Christmas Questions 💛
This is THE BEST list of This or That questions for Would You Rather Christmas because it includes This or That holiday questions for everyone!
100 Christmas Questions To Ask
If you’re looking to get the conversation started and laugh together as a family, Christmas Would You Rather is the perfect holiday game!
Funny Would You Rather Questions For Kids

- Would you rather ride in Santa’s sleigh or ride up front on Rudolph’s back?
- Would you rather decorate a gingerbread house or decorate Christmas cookies?
- Would you rather be the Grinch or a Who in Who-ville?
- Would you rather eat a gingerbread house or live in a gingerbread house?
- Would you rather eat cereal with eggnog instead of milk or eat crushed candy canes on mashed potatoes?
- Would you rather have a big white beard like Santa or pointy ears like the elves?
- Would you rather be home on Christmas and get lots of presents or go on a trip (like Disney World) for Christmas and get no gifts?
- Would you rather read Christmas picture books or watch a Christmas movie?
- Would you rather build a snowman or a snow fort?
- Would you rather donate your toys or donate money out of your piggy bank?
- Would you rather be best friends with Frosty the Snowman or Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer?
- Would you rather listen to a Christmas choir or sing in the choir?
- Would you rather have to wear wet mittens or wet socks for a day?
- Would you rather be green like the Grinch or have ears like an elf?
- Would you rather have your toilet play “Jingle Bells” or “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” every time you flush?
- Would you rather build a snowman or make a snow angel?
- Would you rather live in a gigantic gingerbread house or in the North Pole?
- Would you rather laugh ‘HO HO HO!’ as your usual laugh or have a high squeaky voice like an elf?
- Would you rather visit Santa at the mall or mail him a letter?
- Would you rather wear earmuffs or a stocking hat?
- Would you rather stay in your pj’s all day or a snowsuit all night?
- Would you rather take a ride on the Polar Express or the Grinch’s sled?
- Would you rather never eat candy canes again or never eat Christmas cookies again?
- Would you rather give a gift or receive a gift?
- Would you rather stay up all night trying to see Santa or go to sleep quickly to wake up to gifts?
Would You Rather Questions For Teens

- Would you rather get accidentally locked in the mall or stuck at the airport on Christmas?
- Would you rather be the only person not to receive a gift or be the only person that gave gifts?
- Would you rather give up Christmas trees or Christmas cookies?
- Would you rather never listen to holiday music again or have to listen to your least favorite holiday song 10 times every day (but after that, you can listen to whatever you want)?
- Would you rather go Christmas shopping with Ebenezer Scrooge or Cousin Eddie (from Christmas Vacation)?
- Would you rather string colorful Christmas lights or string white lights only?
- Would you rather watch Elf or Christmas Vacation?
- Would you rather go swimming on Christmas Day or skiing?
- Would you rather decorate 100 Christmas trees or decorate 100 Christmas cookies?
- Would you rather have a real Christmas tree or an artificial one?
- Would you rather eat only Christmas cookies or only drink hot cocoa?
- Would you rather be left home alone for Christmas or be left alone in New York City for Christmas?
- Would you rather snuggle by the fire with a book or go skiing?
- Would you rather tear through all your presents quickly or open them slowly?
- Would you rather sleep in on Christmas Day or get up early?
- Would you rather watch Hallmark Christmas movies on repeat all day or bake Christmas treats all day?
- Would you rather go sledding or caroling?
- Would you rather receive only gifts cards for Christmas or only gifts for Christmas?
- Would you rather drink hot chocolate cold or hot apple cider cold?
- Would you rather have an extra week off of school at Christmas or an extra week of summer vacation?
- Would you rather watch Christmas movies all day or go Christmas shopping all day?
- Would you rather deliver Christmas cookies to a neighbor or receive Christmas cookies from a neighbor?
- Would you rather do the Polar Plunge or soak in a hot spring?
- Would you rather be given $1000 to buy things for yourself or be given $1000 to buy other people Christmas gifts?
- Would you rather know what all your gifts are or be surprised by all your gifts?
Fun Would You Rather Questions For Adults

- Would you rather be completely alone or have 100 people crammed into your house all Christmas day?
- Would you rather relive a past winter holiday again or get to travel to a future winter holiday?
- Would you rather experience a Christmas in 1800 or in 2200?
- Would you rather invite Cousin Eddy to Christmas dinner or invite Clark Griswold?
- Would you rather participate in a White Elephant gift exchange or a Secret Santa gift exchange?
- Would you rather go to an ugly Christmas sweater party or a fancy holiday party?
- Would you rather give one person a $5,000 gift or give 1,000 people a $5 gift?
- Would you rather listen only to Christmas music or watch only Hallmark movies for the month of December?
- Would you rather vacation somewhere cold or hot during the holidays?
- Would you rather enter a gingerbread house competition or hold a neighborhood cookie swap?
- Would you rather watch Gremlins or Die Hard?
- Would you rather eat an entire gingerbread house or chug an entire gallon of egg nog?
- Would you rather receive printed Christmas cards or handwritten cards?
- Would you rather shop for presents or wrap presents?
- Would you rather sit by the fireplace or have a heated blanket?
- Would you rather have Clark Griswold from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation or George Bailey from It’s a Wonderful Life?
- Would you rather plan a holiday party or attend one?
- Would you rather volunteer time at a homeless shelter or donate money instead?
- Would you rather have all your family holiday celebrations at one time or spread out all month long?
- Would you rather attend a Christmas party or have a quiet night at home?
- Would you rather visit Rockefeller Center’s tree lighting or go to midnight mass at the Vatican?
- Would you rather get the best gift you ever received again or get a new gift (but not know what it is)?
- Would you rather wear an ugly Christmas sweater to work every day for a month or elf ears to work every day for a month?
- Would you rather watch A Christmas Story or National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation?
- Would you rather spend Christmas day on the beach or in the mountains?
More Clean Would You Rather Questions For Families

- Would you rather eat only holiday food or watch only holiday movies?
- Would you rather have snow every day in December or not at all for Christmas?
- Would you rather stay home for Christmas or take a trip?
- Would you rather decorate the tree with handmade ornaments or store-bought ornaments?
- Would you rather wear matching Christmas pj’s or ugly Christmas sweaters together?
- Would you rather eat cookies all night like Santa or have spaghetti with syrup and M&Ms like Buddy the Elf?
- Would you rather help shovel snow for the neighbors or hang Christmas lights for the neighbors?
- Would you rather read The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve or the Christmas Story from the Bible?
- Would you rather receive a practical gift or receive a fun gift?
- Would you rather hang a pickle on your Christmas tree or drink pickle juice for Christmas dinner?
- Would you rather have a snowy Christmas or a hot Christmas with no snow?
- Would you rather wear gloves or mittens?
- Would you rather try to break into Kevin McAllister’s house or have a snowball fight with Buddy the Elf?
- Would you rather skip Christmas or your birthday next year?
- Would you rather visit Santa’s workshop or Bethlehem?
- Would you rather have all your presents wrapped terribly or not have them wrapped at all?
- Would you rather take a bath in eggnog or hot chocolate?
- Would you rather cook the holiday meal or do the dishes?
- Would you rather be forced to sing a loud chorus of “Santa Claus is Coming To Town” every time you walk into a room for a week or have to wear a Santa suit to school or work for a week?
- Would you rather wear a Santa suit or an elf suit around town for a day?
- Would you rather open presents on Christmas morning or open presents on Christmas Eve?
- Would you rather only eat fruitcake for holiday desserts or not have dessert at all?
- Would you rather receive one BIG present or receive ten small presents?
- Would you rather string a mile of popcorn garland or wrap 100 presents?
- Would you rather receive the first gift or the last gift?
QUICK TIP: Let people play and make up their own questions! It is especially important to allow kids to flex their imaginations (there are so many benefits to playing this game). Even when playing with teens or adults, impromptu questions add an extra layer to the game, help people stay present (and off their phones), and encourage deeper involvement.
How to Play Christmas This or That
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