25 June 2023 – Blessed Life Of Thanksgiving – Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes – New Creation Church Sermon Notes


25 June 2023 – Blessed Life Of Thanksgiving – Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes – New Creation Church Sermon Notes

New Sermon Notes: Pastor Joseph Prince reminded us of the tremendous power that the simple act of thanksgiving ushers in. It is definitely much more beneficial than complaining!
Praise and worship songs performed:
1. One Thing Remains – Bethel Music
2. King Of Kings – Hillsong Music
3. Chris Tomlin – We Fall Down
4. King Of My Heart – New Creation Worship
5. Worthy – Elevation WorshipPastor Prince began the service ministering in a time of worship and words of knowledge for healing.He prayed for us to receive restoration of our mental faculties.Someone with a torn knee ligament was healed.Four people with pain in the finger were healed.A woman with severe pain in the left leg was healed.Whether it is through ministering in the gifts of the Holy Spirit or of the preaching of God’s word, God’s intent is always to heal, restore, and transform.What was the essence of the fall of man? “You don’t have everything you need yet. You still need this to become like God.” Yet, Adam and Eve were already children of God. The devil wants to trick people into trying to be something they already are.In Christ, we stand permanently on favor ground. God sees us in the spirit, not in the flesh. You are already dead to sin.Man’s role is just to receive with an attitude of thanksgiving.We do not deserve salvation. We deserve Hell. Yet, God sent His Son to become a man, bleed, and die to redeem us from our sins.When Jesus hung on the cross, He was there for us, as us. How do we know the payment of sin has been completed? God raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is now seated at God’s right hand in Heaven.We receive this costly redemption simply by saying thank you to God.

New Sermon Notes: Pastor Joseph Prince reminded us of the tremendous power that the simple act of thanksgiving ushers in. It is definitely much more beneficial than complaining!

Thanklessness destroys the mind and body, whereas thankfulness towards God builds us up

​When you think you are getting what you deserve, you become ungrateful. Remember grace—it is an unmerited gift from God.Appreciate what you have and it will multiply.Do not beg God for salvation or blessings because it means you doubt that He has given it to you. Instead thank Him for it because it shows that you have received it.1 Corinthians 10:10-11 – Complainers are destroyed by the destroyer, not by God.“Don’t grumble, as some of them also grumbled, and perished by the destroyer. Now all these things happened to them by way of example, and they were written for our admonition, on whom the ends of the ages have come.” (1 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭10‬-‭11‬ ‭WEBUS‬‬)John 6:22-23 – Of all things, the Holy Spirit chose to mention that the Lord had given thanks. The miracle and multiplication were not even mentioned.It pleases God most when we give thanks for the little that we have.“On the next day, the multitude that stood on the other side of the sea saw that there was no other boat there, except the one in which his disciples had embarked, and that Jesus hadn’t entered with his disciples into the boat, but his disciples had gone away alone. However, boats from Tiberias came near to the place where they ate the bread after the Lord had given thanks.” (John‬ ‭6‬:‭22‬-‭23‬ ‭WEBUS‬‬)Romans 1:19-21 – The existence of a Creator is clear in seeing the creation that is all around us.“because that which is known of God is revealed in them, for God revealed it to them. For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity, that they may be without excuse. Because knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, and didn’t give thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened.” (Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭19‬-‭21‬ ‭WEBUS‬‬)Romans 1:21-32 – All moral degradation begins with ungratefulness.When you do not give thanks, your reasoning becomes futile and your heart becomes darkened.“Because knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, and didn’t give thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and traded the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of birds, four-footed animals, and creeping things. Therefore God also gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to uncleanness, that their bodies should be dishonored among themselves; who exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason, God gave them up to vile passions. For their women changed the natural function into that which is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural function of the woman, burned in their lust toward one another, men doing what is inappropriate with men, and receiving in themselves the due penalty of their error. Even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, malice; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil habits, secret slanderers, backbiters, hateful to God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also approve of those who practice them.” (Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭21‬-‭32‬ ‭WEBUS‬‬)Romans 3:21-24 – At the mount of transfiguration, Moses and Elijah appeared together with Jesus, representing the Law and the Prophets. They testified of Jesus.Universalism is a heresy. Only those who believe in Jesus Christ are saved.We are justified freely by grace. Inherently in this kind of salvation is a life of thanksgiving.“But now apart from the law, a righteousness of God has been revealed, being testified by the law and the prophets; even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all those who believe. For there is no distinction, for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God; being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,” (Romans‬ ‭3‬:‭21‬-‭24‬ ‭WEBUS‬‬)1 Thessalonians 5:18 – People age and their bodies break down when they are stressed. In everything give thanks and you will receive life instead.“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus toward you.” (1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬ ‭WEBUS‬‬)Scientific studies show that a grateful person’s body is healthier.Complaining or hearing people complain for thirty minutes a day can lead to brain damage. It shrinks the hippocampus in the brain.The Hebrew word for complain is “lun”. It either means “spend all night” or “complain”. When you complain, you remain all night with the problem. When you praise, you get a raise.​

Sandcastles Don’t Last Forever


This is the eBook version.If you prefer to get the Paperback version (physical copy), you can get it on Amazon here for US$15.About the Book: ​One day when I was singing praises to God, an image floated up in my spirit: a big and beautiful sandcastle being washed away by the waves from the sea. God was teaching me the futility of holding tightly onto worldly possessions because like the sandcastle, they won’t last, and one day will cease to exist.He taught me from His word to focus on Him and by doing so, I would reap great eternal rewards before Jesus’ throne at the start of the Millennium. These rewards will last forever and can’t be destroyed or stolen. It is my prayer that the revelations in this book will help you to live with a focus on the things above where God is, fulfill your God-given calling in life, be happier and to accumulate more eternal rewards to your account.In this Book, you will learn about:​- Heavenly investment advice and the futility of worldly pursuits from a trillionaire in the Bible- Why God has to reward us in order to be righteous- When and how God will destroy the current earth and sky to make way for new ones- The types of fireproof works that earn eternal rewards at the end of time- The abundant rewards of doing good works while abiding by the non-disclosure agreement between God and you- The difference between the temporary places of torment: Sheol and Abaddon- Who is the Antichrist and his name revealed in the Bible- What is the Mark of the Beast and why it disqualifies its recipients from receiving salvation- The different judgments at the throne of Jesus Christ and what it means for you as a believer- How to fulfill your calling and maximize your gifts to receive the best eternal rewards Testimonials about the contents of this book:”Sandcastles Don’t Last Forever is very well written, its message loud and clear. Milton Goh gives common-sense insight on often confusing Scripture, which is much appreciated in these troubled times. My understanding of the Bible has definitely improved.”- Mike Garrett, first Editor/ Publisher for Stephen King and Author of Christian Novel “Innocence Denied”, from USA”This book is absolutely breathtaking. We don’t work to be saved but were created to do good works. I am so energized and excited to know God values our works and we will be rewarded. This is all Glory to Jesus… I cant wait to throw my crowns at his feet and thank him for saving my life!” – Evangelist Michael Clark from USA”Dear Milton Goh, I truly thank our Abba, Father for the revelations in this book. It is so amazing how I begin to discover important verses in the Bible that I have never read. That instead of following riches, with sleepless nights, and actually shortening our lives, we are just to ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ’, and ‘Love one another’. How beautiful to find out that actually in the Bible there is both ‘Earthly or Worldly Investment Wisdom’ and ‘Eternal Investment Wisdom’ according to the revelations here from Ecclesiastes 5:14-17 WEB)!; “It seems like Solomon was not only wise at earning material riches but also at earning eternal riches.” All the glory to our Lord Jesus Christ! God bless you Milton Goh for such a wonderful book!” – Nitta Nierra from Belgium“Thank you Milton. I have just finished reading “Sandcastles Don’t Last Forever”. It’s such a good book that’s filled with God’s word. I love it very much. Might read again if I have the time. Thanks so much!” – Mally Chai from Singapore”I’m reading this book and loving it! The revelations of the Gospel truth shared and it’s life applications are absolutely amazing! I give glory to the Lord Jesus for my dear brother Milton for this exceptional resource. I’m gonna keep feeding on its contents and believe God for supernatural breakthroughs as my mind is renewed in Christ!” – Terence from Tombel, Cameroon ​“Excellent book!! I enjoyed reading it so much and definitely recommend it! Milton is so gifted and all his teachings have blessed me tremendously! I thank God for people like him. Get this book, it will be worth it!” – Madeleine from SA, “Unmerited Favor” tier patron * The PDF file of this eBook will be sent to you via email manually after your purchase is confirmed. Look out for a separate email from the order confirmation email, within the next 24 hours.

A Tour of Heaven and Eternity


The Bible gives us enough knowledge about heaven to have a good idea of its layout and structure! Knowing your eternal destination will give you a peace and confidence in your soul, enabling you to live life without the hovering cloud of uncertainty about what lies ahead.Here are the chapter titles in this brief but ground-breaking original Bible study:IntroductionThe Expanses of the HeavensThe Frozen Sea in HeavenThe Only Day of Creation that Wasn’t Declared GoodThe Tabernacle is an Earthly Copy of the Heavenly One4 Prophetic Signs about the Day of the LordHow the Second Coming of Christ will HappenThe Highest Part of Heaven: The Mountain of GodThe Heavenly Things represented by the Furnishings of the TabernacleBack in Paradise: The Garden of GodJesus did not Descend into HellBelievers in the Garden of God have access to the Tree of LifeHow the Rapture will HappenNew Jerusalem: Our Eternal DwellingParting WordsTestimonial for this book:”Hi Milton, just finished reading your book. Truly awe-inspiring! The Holy Spirit is all over this. I say this because I only ever listen to teachings from a few ministers, but I kept being drawn to this teaching. After many distractions, I eventually got around to actually watching your video. I’m so glad I did. It created a new hunger in me to dig deeper in the Word, but this time reading it through a different lens. Your book has definitely helped me understand this topic a lot better. Thank you for sharing this revelation with us Milton Goh. May many more be blessed by your work as I have been. God Bless you abundantly!”- Lenore from Singapore

All My Sermon Notes eBooks



Some people don’t buy any sermons because of ‘choice paralysis’. There’s so many messages to choose from, but they don’t know which one they want to get. Even if they bought all the sermons, few people have the time to watch 300 hours worth of sermons to see which messages they like.If you were to buy each sermon at $10, you’d have to spend approximately $3000 or more to get all the sermons in this collection.Get all my 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 sermon notes in a downloadable and printable eBook format for only US$39 (limited time sale price). That’s 7 books in total! They were meticulously compiled and they are the precious fruit of many hundreds of hours of work since 2014. If you knew exactly how much work and heart went into it, you would say that it’s too reasonably priced!These sermon notes eBooks are easy to read. You can finish reading the points of each sermon in under 10 mins. They can act as a catalogue for you to browse through the sermons and see which ones you want to purchase. After reading the points, you may want to buy the sermon so you can hear exactly how the point was delivered by the speaker.​You can enjoy these sermon notes eBooks even without internet connection and if you’re like me who likes reading physical books, you can print them out and even make your own annotations on them during your personal Bible study time with God. *New sermon notes ebooks beyond 2021 are not guaranteed as there is no leading to continue at the moment. If there are any new ones, you will receive them for free if you are a customer who bought this product before. Just show me the email confirmation receipt as proof for redemption of the new ebooks. Testimonial about Milton’s sermon notes:”Milton Goh my brother, your insight on Grace has set me free from 20 yrs of addiction. I was a 7 time felon but by the GRACE of God I am now an ordained minister. Here is some of my story: I was saved in Dec 2016 and started evangelizing in July of 2017 as soon as I was released. My ministry has led over 800 to Jesus. I go to jails, rehabs, homeless shelters plus numerous churches! Your notes and sermons allowed me to find rest in Jesus. I was getting tired trying to perform what I thought God needed from me. You have made me realize it’s 100% the CROSS and now I go constantly for Jesus but never get tired. Thanks for your wisdom and love for Jesus. May God bless you and your family!”- Michael from Cumberland, Kentucky, USA”Very encouraging simplified sermons. Needed it especially when I cannot attend church due to family commitments. They heighten my knowledge of God. God is good all the time! Thanks for sharing this Milton. May the Lord bless you.”- Nicole Ng, Singapore”I write with heartfelt thanks to the man of God (Milton Goh) for having developed the idea of giving a chance to a people you didn’t know but thought that they needed this wonderful and amazing message of GRACE. Indeed I Moreen (Ugandan) plus my other fellow brethren from different countries and continents are being blessed. Our hopes are raised high, the guilt and condemnation disappear, our fears and insecurities go despite the surrounding circumstances when we reach out to your blog.”- Mukyala Moreen, Uganda”Hi Mr. Milton Goh, first of all I would like to say “Praise God and thank you so much Mr. Milton. You are such an answered prayer for me. I was really blessed by your blog. It opened my mind to the reality that there is still more than I can do for my Savior. Your blog melted my heart so much for God and pushed me to desire Jesus more. Your powerful notes anointed by the Lord through the Holy Spirit that you have shared will greatly help me for the expansion and growth of my ministry as well as my relationship with my God. I pray that God will continue to use you to inspire, motivate and uplift dying souls. I pray and I believe some day in the future I will be given a chance to encounter a (real encounter) with a servant of Jesus like you. Be richly blessed by God Mr. Milton and your family as well.”- Christine from Makati City, Philippines”Yours are the best I have ever seen! They should be the official church sermon notes! … I need to share again. This is written by a young man at NCC Pastor Prince epic amazing sermon notes! This should be in an official publication, it’s so professional…! I love your sermon notes! Would like to eventually meet you and give you a gift!”- Michelle from New York City, USA

Beautiful, Healthy and Strong Like Jesus


Physical beauty, youth, health and fitness. So many of us desire these blessings that Jesus has and try all sorts of ways to attain them: plastic surgery, nutritional supplements, skincare products, exercise, dieting and more. I know one thing though – God’s word is much more powerful and effective – when the revelations in this book drop into your heart, you can’t help but become a more beautiful, younger, healthier and stronger version of you – it’s a transformation that everyone can see!Instead of spending thousands of dollars to buy beauty, health and strength, why not receive them supernaturally as a gift since Jesus’ death on the cross has paid the price for you to have them!Take a peek at the Chapter Titles:Chapter 1: God Finds this Attractive Chapter 2: Will God bless me with Physical Beauty?Chapter 3: Jesus’ Body: A Masterpiece Knitted with LoveChapter 4: Is Suffering Death, Poverty and Sickness a Godly Way of Living? Chapter 5: Be Blessed as you Rest Chapter 6: Your Physical Body can be RenewedChapter 7: The Best Surgeon Of All Chapter 8: Eat from the Tree of Life to be HealthyChapter 9: Tame your Tongue to Remain in HealthChapter 10: Transformed through Mountaintop Fellowship with Abba FatherChapter 11: Moses’ Secret to Youth, Health and Strength at 120 Years Old Chapter 12: God’s Purpose in Keeping you YoungBonus gift included: An MP3 file of my “Eternal Youth Audio Declarations” sermon (approx. 10 mins long) which is full of youth renewal teachings and declarations to help you in your youth renewal journey. Listen to it as much as you wantand I believe it will help you have faith for youth renewal!

Understand the Four Gospels Through the Lens of Grace (4 eBooks bundle)



This bundle contains 4 ebooks:- Understand the Gospel of Matthew Through the Lens of Grace- Understand the Gospel of Mark Through the Lens of Grace- Understand the Gospel of Luke Through the Lens of Grace- Understand the Gospel of John Through the Lens of GraceIn these books, you’ll learn all the meanings of Jesus’ parables, prophecies, and teachings, as revealed by the Holy Spirit — every single one!You’ll also understand which parts of the Four Gospels are for the dispensation of the Law but written for our learning, which ones are for us to apply as New Covenant commandments today, and which ones are to be looked forward to in the future!No passage in the Four Gospels will remain a mystery to you after reading these ebooks. Faith, hope and love will blossom in your innermost being because these crucial books of the Bible are unlocked for you.I believe with all my soul that this resource will be a great blessing to you, and it will add priceless treasures of God’s word into your heart!As a bonus gift, you will also receive my Bible Study eBook “Understand the Book of Acts Through the Lens of Grace” (worth US$9.99) as a free bonus gift when you purchase this bundle.Some testimonials of my writing:”Great writer and theologian. I love your work. You are in tune with the Holy Spirit.” – Pastor Dave Hammond, Faith Baptist Church of Myra, USA”Milton Goh my brother, your insight on Grace has set me free from 20 yrs of addiction. I was a 7 time felon but by the GRACE of God I am now an ordained minister. Here is some of my story: I was saved in Dec 2016 and started evangelizing in July of 2017 as soon as I was released. My ministry has led over 800 to Jesus. I go to jails, rehabs, homeless shelters plus numerous churches! Your notes and sermons allowed me to find rest in Jesus. I was getting tired trying to perform what I thought God needed from me. You have made me realize it’s 100% the CROSS and now I go constantly for Jesus but never get tired. Thanks for your wisdom and love for Jesus. May God bless you and your family!”- Evangelist Michael Clark from Cumberland, Kentucky, USA”Milton Goh gives common sense insight on often confusing scripture, which is much appreciated in these troubled times.”- Mike Garrett, first Editor/ Publisher for Stephen King and Author of Christian Novel “Innocence Denied”, from USA

The “Everything” Bundle



When you purchase this bundle, you’ll get all my eBooks, even the special ones that are not for sale and you also receive an exclusive bonus: 6 months access to the archive of my “God Every Morning” (GEM) devotionals which are usually only for my patrons on Patreon–there are currently more than 600 devotionals there and 20 new ones added every month.Here’s a list of what you will receive when you get this bundle:All My Sermon Notes ebooks (2014 – 2020, so 7 eBooks in total)Understand the Four Gospels Through the Lens of Grace (4 ebooks set)Sandcastles Don’t Last Forever ebookMessiah’s Miracles: The Power of Having Faith in Jesus Christ ebookA Tour of Heaven and Eternity ebookBeautiful, Healthy and Strong Like Jesus ebookHow to Fast Under Grace ebookHow to Receive Health and Healing From the Tree of Life ebookThe Book of Revelation Explained ebookThe God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob ebookGod’s Appointed Time: How to Be Fruitful in Every Season of Life ebookSilencing the Serpent: How Christians Can Be Victorious in Spiritual Warfare ebookYounger and Younger: 31 Days of God’s Youth Renewal Promises ebookAll Things Made New: How to Prosper in All Things Through God’s Restoration ebook6 months access to the God Every Morning (GEM) devotionals archive with more than 600 devotionals at the moment.In addition, you will also receive every new ebook that I release in the future. All you have to do is message me with your order confirmation email when I release a new ebook and ask for it–this means that the value of your one-time purchase keeps on growing!I hope you will enjoy the ebooks and devotionals–that they will accompany you as wonderful reads throughout every season.Thank you for being such a blessing to my family by reading my Christian content and purchasing my products. I write freelance full-time and am the main caretaker to my 4 year old daughter, so your seed sown allows me to keep writing content for Jesus’ glory, to build up the body of Christ and for the Gospel to reach unbelievers who are yet to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.My website receives hundreds of thousands of page views a year, and my Facebook page’s posts reach millions of users a year. Every view is a precious seed of the Gospel sown in a person’s heart, and knowing that keeps me going, even on days where it feels like what i’m doing seems insignificant or a waste of time.All these labors to study God’s word and reach the world for Jesus takes both time and money, so thank you once again for being a co-partner in this mission.

How to Fast Under Grace


So many of our readers have asked “Do Christians have to fast?” Perhaps you are asking the same question.The short answer is “Yes”. The early church fasted and no one in the New Testament said that this spiritual practice will cease. However, New Covenant fasting is very different from Old Covenant fasting.In this ebook, you will learn:The Biblical Origins of FastingWhy Do Christians Have to Fast Under GraceHow Often Should You FastThe Earthly Benefits of New Covenant FastingThe Eternal Rewards of FastingSpecially designed and written for our readers, this short but insightful booklet will shed light on fasting through the lens of Grace!I pray that through this book, you will gain a fresh understanding of fasting like you’ve probably never heard or read before!

Messiah’s Miracles—The Power of Having Faith in Jesus Christ



I have prayed for others and seen instant healing miracles and received supernatural words of knowledge about them. I have also received miracles through prayer and others praying for me.The Bible clearly reveals God’s will for every believer to walk in the miraculous. If you’re tired of a Christian walk that has no evidence of God’s manifested power, all it takes is to replace some wrong beliefs so that unbelief can be cast out. This is what I believe the Holy Spirit wants to do through this book.Under the New Covenant of Grace, every blessing is received by faith. Faith comes by hearing about Jesus and this book is all about Jesus and designed to impart faith to the reader. During Jesus’ ministry on earth, He didn’t work any miracles by His own authority as God. He relied completely on faith in His Father and the power of the Holy Spirit.The Holy Spirit purposefully chose 37 of Jesus’ miracles to be recorded in the four gospels. This is no coincidence. Each miracle reveals something powerful about our Lord Jesus. As you behold Jesus’ love, grace and mercy expounded in these 37 miracles, I believe that you will see miracles erupt in your own life!  Testimonials from readers:“One of my most trusted teachers has truly written a masterpiece. I can’t put this book down.”- Michael Clark, Highly Sought-After Preacher in USA“Thank you, Milton for the anointed sharing of the 37 miracles of Jesus. Right from the 1st miracle, God dropped fresh revelations of His heart to me. It wasn’t head knowledge that I experienced. I felt His personality, His loving heart’s intents towards me. On top of that, there’s also revelation of His healing power. Praise Jesus for transforming my heart and bringing me closer to Him through Milton’s sharing.” – Ann Tan, GEM patron from Singapore

The Book of Revelation Explained


The Book of Revelation is reportedly difficult for many believers to understand. It is filled with symbols, such that people are confused between what is literal and what is symbolic. Some questions that Christians have are:What is the timeline of the events prophesied in the Book of Revelation?How does a person “overcome” to qualify for God’s rewards?Who are the twenty four elders surrounding God’s throne?What is the significance of the four living creatures?Why is Jesus called the Lamb?Who are the four horsemen of the Apocalypse?When will the seven seals, trumpets and bowls happen?Who are the 144,000?What is the Great Tribulation about?Who are the two witnesses?Who are the woman, the red dragon, and the male child?Who is the beast from the sea and who is the beast that comes up out of the earth?What is the mark of the beast?Who is the Antichrist and the False Prophet?What is Babylon the great?Is the lake of fire literal or just symbolic?Why will Satan be bound in the abyss for 1000 years?What is the first resurrection and the second death?Who will be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment?When will the Rapture of the saints happen – pre, mid, or post Tribulation?Is New Jerusalem symbolic of the church, or is it a literal city?What is the new heaven and new earth about?Will the final abode of God and His redeemed saints be in Heaven or on the earth?What is the significance of the Tree of Life and the river of the water of life?All the questions above, and much more, are answered in the eBook. Let the Holy Spirit inspired teachings within the eBook open up your understanding of this glorious final book of the Bible.Quoting from Revelation 1:3, “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”

God’s Appointed Time – Being Fruitful in Every Season of Life


Understanding God’s appointed time will allow you to flow with what He is doing and experience profound peace in all situations.Many believers are frustrated and even bitter against God because they lack the revelation about God’s system of times and seasons.They want things to happen in their own way, at their own time, and when it doesn’t happen as expected, they throw tantrums.In this eBook, which is a compilation of thirty devotionals I have written on this topic, you will learn how to receive God’s grace for every moment of time, and even speak and do things so aligned with the Holy Spirit—effectively acting as one.This is what Shally, a sister-in-Christ, said about “God’s Appointed Time”: “Thanks for this awesome series, Milton. I have been very blessed and need to hear so many truths in it because of the season I am currently in. I was looking for answers and they came daily in your messages. Blessings in Christ Jesus to you and family. May your seed multiply and grow in His Grace and righteousness.”As a launch offer to get this eBook in the hands of as many readers as possible, I am offering “God’s Appointed Time” at a 25% discount for 1 day only. Order and download your copy of the eBook before the offer ends! Looking forward to reading your feedback and reviews about it soon!

Younger and Younger: 31 Days of God’s Youth Renewal Promises


Starting from the rhema word that the Holy Spirit gave to me, “Younger and Younger”, revelation flowed and became an invitation to whosoever would consistently participate in the process, to embark on a life-transforming youth renewal journey. The power and authority for this blessing comes from the rhema word.Through the truths shared in this book, across a period of 31 days, you will return to the days of your youth, becoming even healthier, stronger and more beautiful than before. It is never too late. Even Abraham’s wife Sarah who was post-menopausal and about ninety years old, was renewed by God to look like a beautiful lady in her prime.Take a look at the chapter titles for a preview of this youth renewal journey:Day 1: Daily Youth Renewal DeclarationsDay 2: Forget What the World Says is PossibleDay 3: Jesus Holds your Body TogetherDay 4: You are a Well-Watered GardenDay 5: Jesus Makes Beautiful ThingsDay 6: Beauty is a BlessingDay 7: Dry Bones Can Live AgainDay 8: Don’t Settle for Less than Physical Renewal of YouthDay 9: Aging is Not God’s Will for ManDay 10: Youth Upon YouthDay 11: Smile and Stop AgingDay 12: Why the Eagle?Day 13: Youth Flows from the VineDay 14: Youth MultiplicationDay 15: Continually Feed on Jesus for LifeDay 16: Words of Spirit and LifeDay 17: The God Who Raises the Dead Can Renew your YouthDay 18: Abundant Life in Your BodyDay 19: The Same Power that Raised Jesus from the Dead Lives in youDay 20: Keep Striking for Complete VictoryDay 21: Persevere in the Prophetic PromiseDay 22: Keep Hydrated and Young with God’s WordDay 23: Behold and be TransformedDay 24: Behold the Scars on Jesus’ Hands and FeetDay 25: Bind Death, Release LifeDay 26: Hear about Christ Crucified to Receive Youth RenewalDay 27: Living Waters for Renewed BeautyDay 28: Going Under the Knife of God’s WordDay 29: Identify yourself with JesusDay 30: Blessed Despite the HeatDay 31: Seven Signs that Inspire Faith in JesusBonus gift included: An MP3 file of my “Eternal Youth Audio Declarations” sermon (approx. 10 mins long) which is full of youth renewal teachings and declarations to help you in your youth renewal journey. Listen to it as much as you want; I believe it will help you have faith for youth renewal!Testimonials for “Younger and Younger”:”I have been speaking the youth declarations in the book. The other day when I had lunch with a friend, we bumped into her friends who thought that I am my friend’s daughter; we are about 10 years difference of age. Praise the Lord for His renewal!” – Ann Tan from Singapore”After embarking on “Younger and Younger” for the day, I managed to run about 3.2 km which I normally can’t. I realized that it’s the kind of distance I ran during the days of my youth; I am seeing that God is multiplying my days to be more youthful, healthier, and stronger. Praise Jesus! Thank you brother Milton for obeying Jesus and taking us on this journey.” – Alwin Seeni from Singapore

Silencing the Serpent: How Christians Can Be Victorious in Spiritual Warfare



Lies, seduction, intimidation. These are some of the serpent’s choicest weapons to use against Christians. In this book, you will learn how to recognize Satanic deceptions and stand firm in the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You will be introduced to certain beliefs that the devil uses to trap believers with, and how he tries to draw Christians away from God’s word. For every wrong belief, you’ll receive the corresponding right belief according to Gospel truth based on Jesus’ finished work at the cross. Replacing wrong beliefs, casting out fears and the renewal of your mind with each chapter will surely cause many demonic bondages and strongholds to be broken by the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s time to silence the serpent for good!Reviews about “Silencing the Serpent”:“I am fully blessed by this book. My heart has has been filled with peace and joy since I read it. Wrong beliefs and strongholds are loosing their hold on me.” – Loise from USA”Thank you brother Milton for this amazing book. It has been much needed in my current season when I’m going through so much demonic attack through people supposedly close to me. God has used the Word to remind me that He is with me ALL the way and that I should have NO fear. No weapon formed against me can prosper and every tongue raised against me in judgement I have the power to condemn with ALL the weapons of warfare given to us by God. I’m blessed and grateful to God for using you to assure me of His Mighty Presence–that He will never leave me nor forsake me. Hallelujah & Amen!” – Shally Joseph from India “Milton Goh, I downloaded your book and it was God’s appointed time for my breakthrough. He destroyed a stronghold in my life that was rooted on a lie. A light just went on in an instant and the Lord uprooted a wrong belief. I struggled now for years with a relationship and I believed a lie that a sin I committed in the past was unforgivable, and I judged the other person for the same sin. It was unconscious and I didn’t know that I was bound by this lie. When I read a chapter in this book, about strongholds in the mind, the Holy Spirit revealed it to me in a flash and it was as if the walls of Jericho were tumbling down! Thanks for this book–it is from the Lord!” – Antoinette Hurter Keyser from South Africa “A short testimony to share after reading the chapter about girding up our loins with the TRUTH. After reading it, I met some of my colleagues and the first thing they told me was, “You are fat, you put on weight,” not even “Hi, hello, how are you…” At first, I was sad over the remarks. But almost immediately, I was reminded of truth of God’s Word which says that “I am highly favored, beloved of Jesus, and Jesus sees me as fit and healthy. I am not defined by what others say, but by what Jesus says!” After that, I carried on with work and went for my run and managed to complete close to 5km. Something which I have never done before. All praise and glory to Jesus. Thank you, brother Milton for your teaching on the armor of God shared in this book! – Alwin Seeni from Singapore”Thank you brother Milton. Your insights are a blessing. God bless you with many more beautiful revelations.” – Shirley Thomas from India 

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Hi I’m Milton Goh,
31, from Singapore. I am married to a beautiful wife and have one adorable 7 year old daughter. I am a Christian writer/author and I blog on this website about Christian, Parenting and Lifestyle content. Thanks for reading!

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Hi I’m Milton Goh, I’m 30 years old and i’m a blogger who writes about Christianity, Parenting, Life Lessons that I learn from Movies/Shows, and Lifestyle.I independently compile and post New Creation Church and Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes Online here on my blog.Subscribe to my email newsletter and let’s help to spread the Grace Revolution worldwide!​​Affiliate Disclaimer: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.​Scripture Copyright Notices:Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified Bible.Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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