How to Help When Your Child is Struggling with Homework

Helping your child with homework can be challenging, especially if they are struggling to complete it independently. As a parent or foster carer, it’s important to provide support without taking over. Here are some tips on how to help your child when they are having difficulties with homework.

Set Up a Homework-Friendly Environment

If you are fostering with Fosterplus Edinburgh, create a quiet, comfortable space where your foster child can focus. Make sure they have a clear desk or table, good lighting, basic school supplies and a comfortable chair. Minimise distractions by turning off electronics, TV and music during homework time. Some children work better with soft background music.

Encourage a Positive Mindset and Effort

Praise your child for trying hard and sticking with challenging tasks. Reinforce that intelligence can grow with effort. Avoid statements like “You’re so smart” and instead say “You worked hard on that.” Celebrate small successes and remind them that mistakes help us learn. This promotes a growth mindset.

Establish a Consistent Routine

Set a regular homework time each day and keep distractions to a minimum. This helps homework become an established habit. Stick to a schedule but allow flexibility for your child’s needs. A timer can help some kids stay focused.

Communicate with Teachers

Reach out to your child’s teacher if you notice them repeatedly struggling with homework. Ask the teacher to clarify instructions and expectations or share insights on how your child is doing in class. The teacher can suggest ways to support your child at home. Email or talk to the teacher early on when problems arise.

Work Together

Sit down together and help your child get organised before they start homework. Review instructions and make sure they understand what to do. Resist the urge to give them the answers. Instead, ask probing questions to guide them and praise effort. Offer gentle corrections and encouragement.

Take Breaks

Long or complex assignments can be draining. Let your child take short breaks to recharge. A healthy snack, stretch break or conversation about something fun can renew energy and focus. Caution against electronics which can derail homework.

Supplement Challenging Assignments

If your child is struggling with a concept, provide extra practice problems, flashcards or activities to build skills. Work on memorisation and maths facts during car rides. Read together daily to boost comprehension. These little extras help cement learning.

Stay Positive

Your attitude influences your child. Express optimism and encouragement, even when they are frustrated. Say things like “I know you can do this with practice.” Avoid negative statements that can damage motivation and self-esteem. Refrain from yelling or criticising. Your support helps build resilience.

Know When to Get Help

If difficulties persist over time, seek help from learning support staff at school. They can provide additional resources or strategies. For ongoing struggles, have your child evaluated for learning difficulties like dyslexia. Specialised support or tutoring may be needed. Be proactive in getting issues addressed.

The key is providing just enough support so your child can build competence and independence in completing homework. With patience and a positive approach, you’ll help them create good homework habits and overcome any challenges.

Homework Helpers:

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