5 Reasons why Gratitude mindset is Important?

Even in this age of instant gratification, we all want our kids to exhibit good manners, isn’t it? How many times we would have told our kids to say “Thank you,” “Please,” or “Sorry” either verbally or by nudging them with a poke in the shoulders or body? I still do at times. But do you think our kids are filled with Gratitude by just saying those words? Gratitude is not just using good manners but a mindset we as parents have to inculcate in kids. Much research has been conducted worldwide to discover the benefits of having a Gratitude Mindset, proving that kids who practice Gratitude are far more successful than their peers who don’t.Why is Gratitude Mindset Important?The recent studies have shown the power of having a Gratitude mindset as follows:Physical Health – Having a grateful outlook improves the person’s positivity, improving his overall immunity and blood circulation. That means this person can sleep better, and it lowers your existing ailments as well.Mental Health – The person who is more grateful for everything carries an aura of positivity around him. So, this positivity would reduce his stress levels and keep him happy and joyful.Healthy Relationships -The person who practices Gratitude would be more trustworthy and helpful to others. The positive behaviors stem from the inherent Gratitude that would strengthen his relationships with the people around him, leading to success in the later stages of life.Emotional Intelligence – The person who practices Gratitude can empathize with others easily. This positive outlook also improves his resilience skills. There are minimal chances of this person turning aggressive or hostile. That means he is improving his emotional intelligence by practicing the Gratitude Mindset.Success in Life – If a person is stress-free and emotionally intelligent, then he will be happier with his life. HeLife achieves tremendous success in life, with life being plagued by opposing forces or thoughts. So he can achieve what he wants in his life. IsLifethat wonderful?So, in a nutshell, people with the “Gratitude Mindset” would look at all situations from a positive and happier point of view. That way, they wouldn’t be getting under any negative influences. This makes them lead their life with a life of hope and positivity.What is the right age to teach Gratitude to Kids?Some parents might think Gratitude is a tricky concept to explain to younger kids and refrain from teaching it. But aren’t we teaching them to say “Thank you” or “Please” from the moment they start speaking words? So, similarly, we can begin preparing for the “Gratitude Mindset” at a tender age. We only need to remember that this concept needs to be taught playfully, using many different fun-filled activities. Once the Child is exposed to this kind of activity at an early age, they will be able to grasp the concepts of Gratitude more efficiently when compared to others who are not exposed.So, to teach Gratitude to kids, we need a lot of patience and time. Of course, we must be their role models in leading a grateful life. Kids learn the basics of this attitude from us only, and only if we practice it would they be able to relate to and practice it.Tips to Inculcate Gratitude in KidsEstablish a Gratitude ritual at home: Talk about what they are grateful for during that day or week. Make sure that everyone in the house participates in this ritual. It need not be a considerable verbal discussion. I was saying a one-line prayer before every meal is also sufficient. More of this practice will teach the kids to be grateful automatically, without us stressing multiple times.Model Gratitude: Remember that the kids watch us; unless we practice this gratitude mindset thoroughly, we can not teach our children.Let the Child help you around: This helps in two ways; it will teach him the importance of hard work and help him understand why he should be grateful for the amenities and luxuries he has.Delay the Gratification: Let the Child wait for his gift or a treat. Sometimes, waiting for long-cherished assistance is sweeter than the natural gift itself. So, let your child experience that fun. Also, please resist the urge to shower them with multiple skills simultaneously.Encourage them to give back: Teach the importance of giving back to all their friends and relatives through their arts/crafts works or by spending time with them. That way, they would be able to appreciate other people as individuals and would start respecting their needs appropriately.Different people use many activities, like gratitude jars and journals, to track what they are grateful for. We can use those other methods/activities also while teaching the “Gratitude Mindset” to our kids.Suhasini, IP, is the Author of the book “Practical Tips for Kids Mental Health.” As a certified kids and parents life coach, she helps/guides you toward a happy family life for your kids. She firmly believes that “Emotionally Happy Kids of today are the Mentally Strong and Happy Citizens of tomorrow.” Let’s make the world a happy and beautiful place for our kids to thrive.

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