Ready, Set, School: A Parent’s Guide to Transition

Transitioning back to school can be both exciting and nerve-wracking for kids. Whether they’re starting preschool or returning to high school, parents can play a crucial role in helping them adjust. Here are some tips to ease the transition:

Role-Model Coping Skills: Teach deep breathing techniques to calm anxiety.
Familiarize with School: If possible, attend tours or open houses. Otherwise, simulate the experience at home by pretending someone is the teacher and discussing expectations.
Gradual Routine Adjustment: Transition back to regular sleep patterns before school starts.
Back-to-School Countdown: Create excitement by counting down the days.
Discuss the Year Ahead: Talk about what to expect and address any concerns.
Celebrate Their First Week Back: Acknowledge their efforts and achievements.
Validate Feelings: Allow kids to express their emotions freely.
Keep Summer Fun Going: Plan activities for the first week of school.
Gradually Reduce Screen Time: Start with more downtime after school and then adjust as needed.

Remember, remaining calm, offering reassurance, and practicing coping skills can make the transition smoother for kids.
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