Our Work is Never Done – Punky Moms

Punky Moms Are Ruthless Post Card
Punky Moms at work mailing 1000 postcards!

We did a cool thing- together, as a community, we mailed nearly 1000 postcards from all over the US to Senators as part of our Punky Moms Are Ruthless campaign.  You urged them not to confirm Amy Coney Barrett.  We insisted they let the voice of the people be heard. But, they had their own agenda. Republican Senators didn’t listen to us, their constituents, the people who elected them.  However, we aren’t surprised, we’ve been here before.  And you know what? We aren’t done either.

Since the news that they pushed through the confirmation—all while ignoring the plea of millions of Americans who desperately need relief—we’ve been pushing as much as we can to turn the Senate Blue, to get out the vote.  We need to make sure we vote out these assholes who represent their own agendas over the needs of everyday Americans.  Millions have already voted, and in the next four days, millions more will vote.

What’s Next?

Many will get complacent if there’s a blue sweep. But we can’t afford to rest– even if we succeed in reducing the fascists, there’s so much more work to do.  This is where we need you!  What else would you like to see us do at Punky Moms?  What more can do to get our voices out there?  How do we keep pushing our government officials- from local, to state, to national- to truly represent us?  How will you get involved in your local community?  Can we get Punky Moms running for office in 2022 and 2024?  Maybe it’s the school board, or your city council, or a committee in your county? Maybe it’s bigger than that.  What do we to to continue to show our activism for ourselves and our kids?

We want to hear from you! What can we do as a community to further promote our freedom and equality? Share your plan, and tell us how can we support you?

Carrie is a California mom to two teenage assholes and a nearly-grown person. She spends her days kicking ass and taking names in IT to support her bad coffee habit. In addition to running the day-to-days at Punky Moms, she spends her “spare time” drinking wine, helping with homework, competing with Dr. Doolittle for most pets, snacking on the souls of her enemies, and binge-watching cooking shows.

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