A Blessing for When You Find Space to Write

Bless you for noticing. Noticing the small space in your day to write and create.

This opening that’s barely noticeable in your hurried day is here.

So what do you do?

Bless you for the messy scribbles on the backs of receipts, half-used post-its, and old grocery lists.

Bless you for the voice memo— the notes you send yourself when a flash of clarity arrives, but you aren’t at a desk.

Bless you for continuing to write while answering questions, feeding little mouths breakfast, folding mountains of laundry, commuting to and from work.

Bless you for the time when life finally slows you down enough to write in the most unlikely places: the unmoving drive-thru line, the busy grocery pickup, the car wash.

Bless you for keeping your notebook near— for staying open to this process that isn’t neat, tidy or linear.

Bless you who finds your inspiration in the moments where you show up to your life, family, job, yourself.

And may you see your big, beautiful life as yours— yours to write.

Copyright © 2024 Lauren Nizol.


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