A Prayer For The Mothers

A Prayer For The Mothers

Who show up to the playground Armed with pretzels and patience Ready for whatever the day brings Unafraid of tantrums or tears

Who gently rub sunscreen Onto their children and yours Calling, “Stay where I can see you!” As you sit nursing the baby

Who offer an extra diaper When you forget to pack one And offer a dose of perspective When you forget that, too

Who put meals on your tableAnd coffee in your handWhile they ask how you’re doingAnd wait for the answer

Who witness this wild thing called parentingThat does not stop for conversationOr mental health strugglesOr medical diagnoses

Bless these mothersThese warrior womenWho make up the villageAnd make motherhood more magical

Please send them unexpected joysAnd bursts of much needed energyTo sustain their living and lovingTheir friendship and mothering

For all of these friends: amen

Copyright © 2024 Megan Hogg.

This week’s sponsor of Mothering Spirit is Be A Heart Design, a modern Christian lifestyle brand that creates beautiful products to help both adults and children grow in faith. Check out their beautiful Guardian Angel Quilts and Jesus Heals Bandages .


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