We disappeared for an entire presidential term. Have we even met? Did I leave the light on but abandon the house? We haven’t posted since late 2020 (longer for me personally). A lot has changed in the world. A lot a lot. Some of us have fallen off of social media and while we aren’t apologizing for ghosting you exactly, we do feel bad in an empathic sort of way. It’s me, I’m the one that fell off the edge of the internet.
So before we begin, how the hell are you? No. Really. Are you ok? Since 2020 we’ve collectively had (more) political upheaval, a world-wide pandemic, natural disasters, and certainly not least noteworthy – the babies have grown!
That last one really hits home as my youngest child is 19 and I have dogs now. Why? Because not having a toddler to clean up after made life suuuuper boring. Because not washing diapers every few days gave me too much free time in which to get into trouble. Because not having to be a taxi to the under 16 set leaves copious spare time (the first time I’ve ever used that and it isn’t sarcastic). Because gathering up dog toys is slightly less irritating than gathering up all the stuff your kids leave out for the cleaning fairy. Because dogs can’t tell me no (and if you have dogs you know that is a dirty lie). Because it takes some time to figure out what is going on and what to do after the kids have grown.
All of those reasons aside, the real reasons I personally dropped off the face of the planet are mostly medical but also because my baby advice is… dated. I know, a lot of baby-toddler-child-tween-teen advice is timeless, but a lot of it isn’t. I feel like sometimes I am offering advice that isn’t relevant or I am remembering with rose-tinted glasses. I’ve always been a little old school, but my babies are old enough to have babies… That makes me positively prehistoric. Is there an app for that now? Bluetooth enabled diapers? Drone nannies?
I am not promising an update, or even more participation in our Facebook group (or our Facebook page, or our discord, or reddit, or instagram, or twitter, we didn’t even make a tiktok) or anything for that matter. I want you to know that I See You. That You Matter. That we’ll see if the email I spotted today about a problematic image of a statue on one of our local pages (that was not so problematic when it was posted pre-2019… times change so fast! It’s a good thing!) that lit a fire under my ass sticks around for any length of time.
<3 Azxure Oz (you know, just another GenX Jenn)