Common Issues Found During Commercial Roof Surveys

Commercial roof surveys play an important role in identifying and addressing issues before they escalate into costly repairs or structural damage.Roof surveys are more than just routine inspections – they’re proactive measures aimed at preserving the integrity and longevity of commercial roofs.Keep reading to discover some of the most common issues found during these roof surveys.1. Leaks and moisture intrusionUntreated roof leaks are a common issue for commercial roofs, caused by deteriorating seals, damaged membranes, or poor installation. These leaks can lead to water intrusion, mould growth, and compromised structural integrity if left untreated.Moisture intrusion not only weakens the roof system, but also poses risks to the safety and well-being of the building’s occupants.Detecting and addressing these issues promptly during commercial roof surveys is crucial to prevent expensive repairs and maintain a safe indoor environment.2. Lack of insulationDuring commercial roof surveys, a common problem found is a lack of insulation. This can make heating less efficient and more expensive, especially in colder months.By making sure there’s enough insulation during roof surveys, businesses can save money on heating bills and keep indoor temperatures comfortable for everyone.3. Poorly installed guttersIn commercial roof surveys, it’s also common to come across poorly installed gutters, which can create significant drainage issues.When gutters are installed incorrectly, water cannot flow efficiently off the roof, resulting in pooling that may lead to leaks or damage to the building.Addressing these gutter problems during roof surveys is crucial to ensure proper water drainage, preventing harm to the roof and building.4. Roof flashing failures and penetrationsDuring commercial roof surveys, another common concern involves roof flashing and penetrations. Flashing, which seals areas where the roof meets walls or objects like vents, can allow water infiltration if it’s old or improperly installed, resulting in leaks and damage.Similarly, roof penetrations such as vents, HVAC units, and skylights can become entry points for water if not adequately sealed or flashed.Damage to flashing around these areas can compromise the roof’s waterproofing, leading to leaks. It’s important to detect and address these issues during surveys to maintain a watertight roof and prevent interior damage.5. Poor ventilationAnother common issue found during commercial roof surveys is poor ventilation. When there’s not enough ventilation, moisture gets stuck in the roof space, creating warm and damp air that causes mould and wood rot. It also makes surfaces damp when moisture turns into water droplets.Good ventilation keeps the space cooler in summer and reduces allergens in the air. Along with insulation, ventilation helps to maintain the right balance of temperature and humidity all year round, which is important for a healthy roof.Do you need a commercial roof survey?By scheduling a commercial roof survey ahead of time and fixing issues like leaks, membrane damage, ponding water, and poor drainage, property owners and facility managers can make their roofs last longer, reduce maintenance expenses, and maintain the structural integrity of their buildings for the long term.

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