Episode #949 companion – After Dark: Dead Frogs — JUICEBOX PODCAST

Katie, a 29-year-old woman from Washington state who has been living with type 1 diabetes for almost 17 years. Katie shares her story, discussing her experiences growing up with a mother who had health issues and her own journey with type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune conditions.Katie reveals that she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was 12 years old. She mentions that while she is the only one in her family with type 1 diabetes, there are other autoimmune issues present, such as thyroid problems on her mother’s side. Her grandmother, aunt, and mother have all had thyroid problems, suggesting a genetic predisposition to autoimmune issues.The connection between autoimmune issues and type 1 diabetes is further explored in the discussion. Katie mentions that doctors believe her family’s history of thyroid problems may have contributed to her development of type 1 diabetes. While she does not recall her family members having problems growing up, she recognizes the significance of their autoimmune issues in relation to her own diagnosis.Katie also shares that she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a few years after being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. This additional autoimmune condition further emphasizes the genetic predisposition to autoimmune issues in her family. She recalls being initially prescribed medication for hypothyroidism but later being told that she was borderline and no longer needed it. However, a couple of years ago, she resumed taking medication for hypothyroidism.The podcast transcript provides insight into the challenges faced by individuals living with type 1 diabetes and additional autoimmune conditions. It highlights the importance of understanding the genetic factors that contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases and the impact they can have on an individual’s health.Katie’s story serves as a reminder that autoimmune issues can run in families and that having one autoimmune condition may increase the likelihood of developing others. It also emphasizes the need for comprehensive healthcare and regular monitoring for individuals with type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune conditions.Overall, this podcast transcript sheds light on the experiences of a type 1 diabetic with autoimmune issues, highlighting the complexities and challenges associated with managing multiple autoimmune conditions. It underscores the importance of ongoing medical care, genetic awareness, and support for individuals navigating these health conditions.Missed diagnosis of hypothyroidismThe podcast transcript begins with the individual discussing their experience with hypothyroidism and how it was initially missed and misdiagnosed. They admit to not paying close attention to the lab work and not fully understanding the symptoms at the time. When they switched physicians, the new doctor questioned the need for medication and advised them to stop taking it. This led to a decade without the necessary medication, during which time they continued to experience hypothyroid symptoms.This missed diagnosis of hypothyroidism is a common issue in healthcare. The symptoms of hypothyroidism can be vague and easily attributed to other causes, leading to misdiagnosis or dismissal of the condition. In this case, the individual’s symptoms were not properly recognized or addressed, resulting in unnecessary suffering and a delay in appropriate treatment.The individual mentions that it wasn’t until years later, when they started researching their symptoms, that they realized hypothyroidism may be the cause. They decided to get retested and started taking medication again. This highlights the importance of self-advocacy and taking an active role in one’s healthcare. It is crucial for individuals to educate themselves about their conditions and seek second opinions if necessary.The podcast also touches on the fear of being a parent and having their children experience similar missed diagnoses or mismanagement of their health conditions. This fear is understandable, as the individual experienced a decade without proper treatment due to a misdiagnosis. It emphasizes the need for ongoing monitoring and communication with healthcare providers to ensure that conditions are properly managed and any changes in symptoms or lab results are addressed.The transcript also mentions the individual’s experience with type 1 diabetes. They describe the typical symptoms they experienced, such as weight loss, excessive thirst, and frequent urination. They also mention a significant decrease in their physical fitness, which was attributed to the undiagnosed diabetes. This highlights the impact that undiagnosed or mismanaged health conditions can have on overall well-being and quality of life.In conclusion, the podcast transcript highlights the missed diagnosis of hypothyroidism and the challenges associated with managing multiple autoimmune conditions. It emphasizes the importance of self-advocacy, ongoing medical care, and genetic awareness in order to properly diagnose and manage these conditions. The individual’s experience serves as a reminder of the complexities of autoimmune diseases and the need for comprehensive and attentive healthcare.Teen struggles with diabetes managementTeen struggles with diabetes management can be a challenging and overwhelming experience. In the podcast transcript, the individual shares their personal journey with diabetes and the difficulties they faced in managing their condition, particularly during their teenage years.The podcast begins with the individual recalling a significant event in their childhood that prompted their parents to take them to the doctor. They attended a middle school football game with a friend and her parents, where the individual consumed an excessive amount of Coca-Cola due to extreme thirst. This raised concerns among the parents, leading to their visit to the doctor.The individual’s diagnosis story is described as relatively positive, with an adult who was not their parent recognizing the symptoms and urging their parents to seek medical attention. They were taken to the pediatrician, who tested their blood sugar and found it to be well over 600. This prompted an immediate visit to the emergency room.However, there is a notable incident during this visit that highlights the lack of understanding or awareness surrounding diabetes. The individual’s parents convinced them to go to the doctor’s office by promising them a sugary drink from Starbucks afterward. Surprisingly, the pediatrician allowed them to stop at Starbucks and consume the sugary drink on the way to the hospital, despite the individual’s dangerously high blood sugar levels.This incident raises questions about the level of knowledge and understanding regarding diabetes among healthcare professionals at the time. It is possible that the pediatrician either did not fully comprehend the severity of the situation or believed that allowing the individual to have one last sugary drink would not have a significant impact.The podcast also touches on the challenges the individual faced in managing their diabetes during their teenage years. They mention struggling with management and experiencing mental health issues. The individual’s notes mention non-compliance, family dynamics, and diabolemia, which is a term used to describe the intentional manipulation of insulin doses to control weight.The individual reflects on their teenage years and identifies a seizure they had during a sleepover as a significant turning point. This seizure may have instilled a fear of experiencing low blood sugar levels, leading to the individual intentionally keeping their blood sugars higher. This fear, combined with the challenges of adolescence and the pressures of managing a chronic condition, likely contributed to the difficulties they faced in managing their diabetes during this time.In conclusion, the podcast transcript highlights the struggles faced by teenagers in managing their diabetes. It sheds light on the lack of understanding surrounding diabetes among healthcare professionals and the impact it can have on the individual’s management and overall well-being. It emphasizes the importance of ongoing medical care, self-advocacy, and genetic awareness in properly diagnosing and managing diabetes. The individual’s experience serves as a reminder of the complexities of diabetes and the need for comprehensive and attentive healthcare.High school led to hiding diabetesHigh school can be a challenging time for any teenager, but for those with diabetes, it can bring additional obstacles and pressures. In the podcast transcript, the speaker discusses their experience of hiding their diabetes during high school and the detrimental impact it had on their health and well-being.The speaker recalls starting high school and feeling the need to hide their diabetes from their peers. They didn’t want to be seen as different or have their condition be a topic of discussion. This desire to fit in and be like everyone else led them to hide their diabetes and not properly manage their blood sugar levels.As the speaker entered high school, the number of students increased, and they felt more pressure to hide their diabetes. They didn’t want to be judged or treated differently because of their condition. This fear of judgment and the desire to blend in led them to hide their diabetes even more.The speaker also shares their struggle with guilt and shame when their blood sugar levels became high. They felt like they couldn’t control their numbers and were unable to bring them down. The longer they ran high, the harder it became to lower their blood sugar levels. This cycle of guilt, shame, and feeling out of control further contributed to their desire to hide their diabetes.The speaker admits that at the time, they didn’t fully realize the impact of their actions. They didn’t recognize the consequences of not properly managing their diabetes and the toll it was taking on their body. They felt the need to constantly hide their blood sugar levels and avoid testing altogether if the numbers were high.This pattern of hiding and neglecting their diabetes led to a vicious cycle of feeling wrong, guilty, and ashamed. The speaker tried to bring their blood sugar levels back down but would quickly give up when something went wrong. This cycle of trying and failing only reinforced their negative feelings and avoidance of managing their diabetes.The podcast transcript also hints at the development of an eating disorder later in high school or early college. The speaker explains that their body had become accustomed to running with high blood sugar levels, and whenever they tried to bring them down, they would experience physical discomfort and fluid retention. This further complicated their ability to manage their diabetes and added another layer of struggle to their already challenging situation.In conclusion, the podcast transcript highlights the struggles faced by teenagers in managing their diabetes. It sheds light on the lack of understanding surrounding diabetes among healthcare professionals and the impact it can have on the individual’s management and overall well-being. It emphasizes the importance of ongoing medical care, self-advocacy, and genetic awareness in properly diagnosing and managing diabetes. The individual’s experience serves as a reminder of the complexities of diabetes and the need for comprehensive and attentive healthcare.Neglected diabetes management leads to complicationsNeglected diabetes management can lead to severe complications, as evidenced by the experiences shared in the podcast transcript. The individual interviewed describes a decade-long struggle with high blood sugar levels, resulting in various health issues such as shooting pains in the legs, fluid retention, lethargy, and constant nausea. These symptoms indicate the detrimental effects of uncontrolled diabetes on the body.Despite the individual’s efforts to do the right thing and manage their diabetes, their body seemed to signal that something was wrong. This internal conflict between what they felt and what they knew intellectually created a challenging situation. However, they pushed through, unaware of the potential harm they were causing themselves.For a decade, the individual’s A1C levels ranged between 10 and 14, which is significantly higher than the recommended range of 6.5 or below. This prolonged period of uncontrolled diabetes likely contributed to the development of complications. The individual mentions experiencing postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), characterized by dizziness upon standing up too quickly. They also underwent retinopathy treatments for their eyes, indicating damage to the blood vessels in the retina.Considering the frequency of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) episodes, it is surprising that the individual did not have more severe complications. DKA occurs when the body lacks insulin and starts breaking down fat for energy, leading to the production of ketones. It is a life-threatening condition that can result in coma or death if left untreated. The individual admits to self-treating their DKA episodes with large doses of insulin to bring their blood sugar levels down. This dangerous practice could have potentially caused severe hypoglycemia, which can be equally life-threatening.The individual’s management of their diabetes was characterized by a cycle of neglect, DKA, and temporary normalization of blood sugar levels. They would eat whatever they wanted without dosing insulin, leading to high blood sugar levels and subsequent DKA. This pattern of behavior demonstrates a lack of understanding and control over diabetes management.One striking aspect of this story is the individual’s resistance to seeking help and their desire to keep their struggles hidden from others. As a teenager, they felt like a failure and believed they would never be able to figure out how to manage their diabetes. This mindset likely contributed to their denial and the lies they told about their blood sugar levels. This highlights the emotional toll that diabetes can have on individuals, particularly during adolescence when self-image and independence are crucial.The podcast transcript also raises questions about the support system available to the individual. While they mention having family around, it seems that their resistance to letting others in hindered their ability to receive the necessary support and guidance. Diabetes management requires a multidisciplinary approach, involving healthcare professionals, family members, and the individual themselves. In this case, it appears that the individual’s resistance to help hindered their ability to effectively manage their diabetes.In conclusion, the podcast transcript highlights the struggles faced by teenagers in managing their diabetes. It sheds light on the lack of understanding surrounding diabetes among healthcare professionals and the impact it can have on the individual’s management and overall well-being. It emphasizes the importance of ongoing medical care, self-advocacy, and genetic awareness in properly diagnosing and managing diabetes. The individual’s experience serves as a reminder of the complexities of diabetes and the need for comprehensive and attentive healthcare.Lack of support affected herThe podcast transcript reveals the detrimental effects of a lack of support on the individual’s ability to manage their diabetes effectively. Throughout the conversation, the speaker reflects on their own experiences and the challenges they faced as a teenager living with diabetes. They express their frustration at the lack of understanding from healthcare professionals and their own resistance to acknowledging the impact of high blood sugar levels on their mental state.One of the key points raised in the transcript is the alteration of the individual’s mind due to high blood sugars. They discuss how elevated blood sugar levels can lead to feelings of irritability and short-temper, which became their normal state. However, they also admit to not wanting to believe that their diabetes was affecting them as much as it was. This denial and lack of awareness further hindered their ability to effectively manage their condition.The individual’s father, on the other hand, recognized the impact of high blood sugars and referred to it as the “high blood sugar monster.” He understood the connection between uncontrolled diabetes and the individual’s experiences and behavior. However, the individual themselves did not want to acknowledge this connection and resisted the idea that their diabetes was affecting them as much as it was.The podcast host also shares an anecdote about talking to someone whose husband had uncontrolled diabetes. The host reflects on how the individual’s high blood sugars likely impacted their decision-making abilities, highlighting the importance of recognizing the mental and emotional toll that diabetes can have on a person. They note that this aspect often gets lost in conversations about diabetes management.The speaker then compares the slow progression of the negative effects of diabetes to a shadow creeping over someone as the sun goes down. They use the analogy of a frog in a pot of water slowly heating up to illustrate how someone can become accustomed to a detrimental situation without realizing the full extent of its impact until it is too late. In this case, the individual slowly became accustomed to the negative effects of diabetes on their mental state and overall well-being.The lack of support from the individual’s family is also highlighted in the transcript. The speaker admits to pushing their family away, particularly during their teenage years when they were volatile and out of control. They describe their mother as unstable, verbally abusive, and lacking support. This lack of support and stability in the home environment further contributed to the individual’s struggles with managing their diabetes effectively.In conclusion, the podcast transcript highlights the struggles faced by teenagers in managing their diabetes. It sheds light on the lack of understanding surrounding diabetes among healthcare professionals and the impact it can have on the individual’s management and overall well-being. It emphasizes the importance of ongoing medical care, self-advocacy, and genetic awareness in properly diagnosing and managing diabetes. The individual’s experience serves as a reminder of the complexities of diabetes and the need for comprehensive and attentive healthcare.Lack of support, mental healthThe podcast transcript reveals a lack of support and understanding surrounding mental health issues, particularly in relation to diabetes. The individual shares their experience of growing up in a household filled with constant arguing and a lack of emotional support. This environment made it difficult for them to cope with the challenges of managing their diabetes.The lack of support from their parents is evident in their accounts. The individual describes their mother as someone who would either ignore their problems or change the subject because it made her uncomfortable. This lack of empathy and understanding created a barrier between the individual and their mother, leaving them feeling isolated and unsupported.Similarly, their father’s approach to their diabetes was focused on control rather than understanding. Instead of trying to communicate and support the individual, their father would simply tell them to “just do it” and inject themselves with insulin. This lack of emotional support and understanding from both parents further exacerbated the individual’s feelings of isolation and depression.The individual also mentions their struggles with mental health, specifically an eating disorder. They describe how they would limit their insulin intake to manipulate their blood sugar levels and control their weight. This dangerous behavior highlights the lack of awareness and support for mental health issues in relation to diabetes. The individual did not have the necessary resources or guidance to address their mental health struggles effectively.Furthermore, the individual’s relationship with their mother deteriorated further after their parents’ divorce. The mother expected the individual to take her side and turn against their father, which strained their relationship even more. This situation highlights the impact of divorce on mental health and the importance of providing support and understanding during such difficult times.In conclusion, the podcast transcript highlights the lack of support and understanding surrounding mental health issues, particularly in relation to diabetes. The individual’s experience emphasizes the need for better education and awareness among healthcare professionals and families. It also underscores the importance of providing comprehensive and attentive healthcare, as well as fostering an environment of empathy and support for individuals managing diabetes and mental health issues.Leaving toxic relationships improves well-beingFurthermore, the transcript reveals the detrimental impact of toxic relationships on one’s overall well-being. The individual’s experience with their mother showcases the emotional and psychological toll that such relationships can have. The constant arguments, gaslighting, and invasion of privacy described in the transcript demonstrate the toxic dynamics that were present in this particular relationship.Leaving toxic relationships, as the individual in the podcast did by cutting off contact with their mother, can significantly improve one’s mental health and overall well-being. The individual speaks about how removing themselves from this toxic environment allowed them to gain perspective and understand the negative impact the relationship had on their life. They were able to find peace and stability in their mental health, which ultimately improved their relationships with others.The support and understanding provided by the individual’s partner also played a crucial role in their journey towards well-being. Their partner recognized the toxicity of the situation and actively intervened to protect the individual from further harm. This support and validation were instrumental in helping the individual realize that they deserved better and that they were not alone in their struggle.Leaving toxic relationships can lead to a newfound sense of freedom and empowerment. It allows individuals to prioritize their own well-being and surround themselves with people who uplift and support them. In the case of the podcast transcript, leaving the toxic relationship with their mother allowed the individual to focus on their engagement and the happiness they were experiencing in their personal life.It is important to note that leaving toxic relationships may not be easy or straightforward. It often requires courage, strength, and support from others. However, the benefits of leaving toxic relationships far outweigh the challenges. By removing oneself from toxic environments, individuals can create space for personal growth, healing, and ultimately, a higher quality of life.In conclusion, the podcast transcript highlights the transformative power of leaving toxic relationships. It sheds light on the negative impact of toxic dynamics on mental health and emphasizes the importance of prioritizing one’s well-being. By leaving toxic relationships, individuals can reclaim their sense of self, find support from others, and ultimately improve their overall well-being. It serves as a reminder that everyone deserves to be in healthy and nurturing relationships that contribute positively to their lives.Struggles with mental health and diabetesThe podcast transcript delves into the struggles faced by the speaker in relation to their mental health and diabetes. It reveals the detrimental impact of being in a toxic relationship and how it can exacerbate existing mental health issues. The speaker expresses gratitude for someone who stepped in and made them feel validated, as dealing with someone toxic can often make one feel crazy.The speaker acknowledges that some of their mental health issues stemmed from the toxic relationship, but also recognizes that their depression and other concerns were largely influenced by their neglect of their diabetes. The fear and hopelessness surrounding their diabetes management led them to believe that they would never improve their blood sugars and would suffer from complications. This despair affected their relationships with others, as those close to them could see the impact of their deteriorating health.The host of the podcast empathizes with the speaker, acknowledging that their parents also played a role in their struggles. While understanding that the speaker’s mother may have had limitations, the host emphasizes that she was the person the speaker had to rely on, and her absence had a significant impact. The host also acknowledges that the speaker’s father was going through his own difficulties, but still had a responsibility to support and help their child.The speaker reveals that once they took control of their diabetes management and got their blood sugars under control, many of their issues began to dissipate. They found a great relationship with their father and met their husband shortly after deciding to take charge of their health. The speaker’s depression improved as their diabetes management improved, and their life started falling into place.The host acknowledges that the speaker’s depression was a natural response to the challenging circumstances they faced. It is understandable that someone in their situation would feel depressed, given the lack of support and the overwhelming nature of their health struggles.Looking towards the future, the host asks the speaker if they believe their life will significantly differ from the challenging first part. The speaker confidently responds that they know it will, indicating that they have overcome their struggles and have a positive outlook for the future. They also express understanding and empathy towards their parents, recognizing that they were likely scared for their well-being and unsure of how to handle the situation.The podcast transcript ultimately highlights the importance of leaving toxic relationships and prioritizing one’s mental and physical well-being. It emphasizes that toxic dynamics can have a severe impact on mental health and overall quality of life. By removing oneself from toxic relationships, individuals can find support, reclaim their sense of self, and improve their overall well-being. It serves as a reminder that everyone deserves to be in healthy and nurturing relationships that contribute positively to their lives.Supportive husband helps with diabetesIn the podcast transcript, the speaker discusses their experience with their mother’s mental health issues and the impact it had on their family. They mention that their father tried to help their mother, but nothing seemed to get through to her. Despite their efforts, the speaker expresses that they had to make the difficult decision to end their relationship with their mother in order to prioritize their own well-being. This decision was not easy, but they came to the realization that they couldn’t expect something from their mother that she didn’t have to give.The speaker also mentions that their mother used alcohol as a coping mechanism, but there was no drug use involved. This highlights the complexity of dealing with mental health issues and the various ways individuals may try to cope with their struggles.The conversation then shifts to the speaker’s own journey with diabetes and their supportive husband. The speaker expresses gratitude for their husband’s involvement and support in managing their diabetes. They describe him as being there for them whenever they need help or support, without overstepping any boundaries. The husband even offers to take over the responsibility of managing the speaker’s blood sugars for a night, showing his willingness to alleviate some of the burden.The speaker also mentions that they do most of the cooking in their household, indicating that their husband’s support goes beyond just managing their diabetes. The speaker’s husband’s involvement in their diabetes management and their overall relationship highlights the importance of having a supportive partner.The podcast transcript ultimately highlights the importance of having a supportive partner in managing chronic illnesses like diabetes. The speaker’s husband’s involvement and support not only help them with the practical aspects of diabetes management but also provide emotional support. This support contributes to the speaker’s overall well-being and their ability to effectively manage their diabetes.The transcript also serves as a reminder of the impact toxic relationships can have on mental health and the importance of prioritizing one’s own well-being. By leaving toxic relationships and surrounding oneself with supportive individuals, individuals can find the support and understanding they need to thrive. The speaker’s decision to end their relationship with their mother, despite the difficulties, showcases their commitment to their own well-being and serves as an example for others facing similar situations.In conclusion, the podcast transcript highlights the significance of having a supportive partner in managing chronic illnesses like diabetes. The speaker’s husband’s involvement and support play a crucial role in their ability to effectively manage their diabetes and overall well-being. Additionally, the transcript emphasizes the importance of leaving toxic relationships and prioritizing one’s own mental and physical well-being. By removing oneself from toxic dynamics, individuals can find support, reclaim their sense of self, and improve their overall quality of life.Conscious parenting and personal growthFurthermore, the podcast transcript delves into the topic of conscious parenting and personal growth. The speaker reflects on their own childhood experiences and the impact it had on their perspective of parenthood. They express a desire to break the cycle of unhealthy family dynamics and be a better parent.The speaker acknowledges the need to be conscious and intentional in their parenting approach. They want to take the positive aspects of their own upbringing and combine them with new knowledge and understanding to create a healthier environment for their future children. This demonstrates a commitment to personal growth and a willingness to learn from past experiences.The conversation also touches on the potential challenges of breaking these patterns. The speaker acknowledges that there may be moments where they unintentionally repeat behaviors from their own upbringing. However, they express confidence in their partner’s ability to provide guidance and support, ensuring that they stay on track and make positive changes.This discussion highlights the importance of self-awareness and self-reflection in the journey of conscious parenting. It is not enough to simply want to be a better parent; one must actively work towards personal growth and be open to feedback and guidance from trusted individuals.The podcast transcript also emphasizes the role of external influences in personal growth. The speaker mentions the impact of listening to the podcast and how it led them to explore new options for managing their diabetes. This demonstrates the power of seeking out information and resources that align with one’s goals and values.Overall, the podcast transcript showcases the intersection of conscious parenting and personal growth. It emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, intentionality, and support in breaking unhealthy patterns and creating a healthier future for oneself and one’s children. It serves as a reminder that personal growth is a lifelong journey that requires ongoing reflection, learning, and adaptation.Importance of insulin pump settingsOne specific topic discussed in the podcast is the importance of insulin pump settings. The speaker highlights that regardless of the specific insulin pump being used, whether it is Omnipod 5, Control IQ, or looping, it is crucial to have the correct settings in order to achieve desired outcomes.The speaker mentions that they have tried multiple insulin pumps, including the 670g, the Tandem t:slim, and the Omnipod 5. They initially chose the Tandem t:slim because they believed its algorithm was more advanced. However, they eventually switched to the Omnipod 5 due to its tubeless aspect, which was more convenient for their active lifestyle as a runner.This discussion emphasizes that the choice of insulin pump should not be solely based on the algorithm’s capabilities but also on personal preferences and lifestyle factors. It is essential to consider factors such as tubeless vs. tubed pumps, ease of use during physical activities, and overall convenience.The speaker also shares their experience of forgetting their insulin pump on multiple occasions, which highlights the importance of finding a pump that fits seamlessly into one’s daily routine. Forgetting to reconnect the pump after showering or changing clothes can have serious consequences, such as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or the inability to bolus insulin when needed. These incidents serve as a reminder of the potential risks associated with improper pump settings or forgetfulness.Furthermore, the speaker’s experience of forgetting their pump on the night before their wedding rehearsal demonstrates that unexpected situations can arise, and it is crucial to have a pump that can be easily managed and integrated into one’s life. This incident also highlights the need for support and understanding from loved ones when managing diabetes, as the speaker’s family dynamics were discussed in the podcast.The speaker expresses gratitude for their current situation and reflects on the journey they have taken to reach this point. They acknowledge that while they may have made different choices in the past, it is impossible to know if the outcome would have been any different. This sentiment emphasizes the importance of acceptance and self-compassion when navigating the challenges of living with diabetes.In conclusion, the podcast transcript underscores the significance of insulin pump settings in managing diabetes effectively. It highlights the need for individuals to consider their lifestyle, preferences, and support systems when choosing an insulin pump. Additionally, the speaker’s personal experiences serve as a reminder of the potential risks and challenges associated with improper pump settings or forgetfulness. Overall, the podcast encourages listeners to prioritize their health, make informed decisions, and be proactive in managing their diabetes.Embrace imperfection and keep growingThe podcast transcript also emphasizes the importance of embracing imperfection and continuing to grow. The speaker shares their journey of hitting rock bottom and realizing that they needed to make a change. They admit to being scared, but also recognize that this fear was a turning point for them. They made a conscious decision to no longer engage in self-destructive behaviors and to take control of their health.The process of overcoming their struggles was not easy. It required a lot of work and effort. The speaker acknowledges that there were setbacks along the way and moments that felt like failures. However, they did not give up. They kept pushing forward, learning from their mistakes, and making adjustments as needed.One of the key mindset shifts that the speaker had to make was unlearning the belief that certain blood sugar levels were inherently bad or good. They had to accept that blood sugars can fluctuate and that it is okay. Instead of dwelling on high blood sugar levels and beating themselves up over it, they learned to address the issue, fix it, and move on. This mindset shift allowed them to let go of perfectionism and the idea that everything had to be perfect in order to be successful.The podcast host also shares their own experience with starting the podcast. They admit to not knowing what they were doing initially, but they took the leap and just started. They didn’t wait for everything to be perfect before beginning. Instead, they learned and adapted as they went along. They embraced imperfection and allowed themselves to grow and evolve.The underlying message of the podcast is clear: embracing imperfection is essential for personal growth and success. Perfectionism can be paralyzing and prevent individuals from taking action. It can lead to self-flagellation and a constant feeling of not being good enough. By letting go of the need for perfection, individuals can free themselves from this mindset and focus on progress instead.Embracing imperfection also allows for learning and growth. It allows individuals to try new things, make mistakes, and learn from them. It encourages a mindset of continuous improvement and adaptation. By accepting that things will not always be perfect, individuals can approach challenges with resilience and a willingness to learn and grow.In conclusion, the podcast transcript serves as a reminder of the importance of embracing imperfection and continuing to grow. It highlights the personal journeys of the speaker and the podcast host, both of whom have faced challenges and setbacks but have persevered and grown as a result. By letting go of perfectionism and embracing imperfection, individuals can free themselves from self-imposed limitations and open themselves up to new opportunities for learning and growth.Monetizing podcast through unique experiencesOne of the interesting topics discussed in the podcast transcript is the idea of monetizing a podcast through unique experiences. The speaker and the podcast host engage in a conversation about potential ideas for creating a special experience for their listeners and fans, while also generating revenue for themselves.The conversation starts with the speaker suggesting the idea of having a meal together with a listener as a giveaway. They discuss the logistics of this idea, including the cost of airfare, accommodation, and security. They also consider the possibility of turning it into a larger event if more people participate.Throughout the conversation, the speaker emphasizes the importance of keeping the money for themselves rather than donating it to charity. They express a desire to monetize their podcast and maximize their own profits. However, they also mention the possibility of offering exclusive content for a monthly fee, such as unedited episodes with cursing.The podcast host, Katie, actively engages in the conversation and suggests additional ideas, such as creating a series where people can vent and complain about diabetes. This idea is met with enthusiasm by the speaker, who sees it as a cathartic experience for both the participants and their diabetic spouses.While the conversation is light-hearted and humorous, it touches on the topic of monetizing a podcast through unique experiences. This approach allows podcasters to offer something special to their listeners while also generating income. By creating exclusive events or content, podcasters can incentivize their audience to support them financially.The podcast transcript also highlights the importance of creativity and thinking outside the box when it comes to monetizing a podcast. The speaker and the podcast host brainstorm various ideas and consider different scenarios, demonstrating their willingness to explore new possibilities.In conclusion, the podcast transcript serves as a reminder of the importance of embracing creativity and exploring unique experiences to monetize a podcast. By offering special events or exclusive content, podcasters can generate revenue while providing added value to their audience. The conversation between the speaker and the podcast host showcases their enthusiasm and willingness to think outside the box, inspiring other podcasters to do the same.Podcast discusses potential giveaway ideaThe podcast transcript begins with the speaker discussing the idea of a giveaway or prize for their podcast listeners. They mention that a monetary prize is not legal, so they need to come up with an alternative. The podcast host recalls hearing a podcast where the speaker had done something similar, offering the prize of being able to ask certain questions about diabetes. However, the speaker clarifies that they are thinking of something bigger, where they would fly to a location and spend time with the winner.The speaker expresses concerns about potential issues that could arise, such as contracting COVID-19 or upsetting someone. They mention the possibility of a kid’s head falling off if they get sick, which leads to a humorous exchange between the speaker and the host. Despite these concerns, the speaker still expresses a desire to make this giveaway idea a reality.The podcast host suggests the idea of surprising the winner by showing up at their house, similar to what Ellen DeGeneres has done in the past. The speaker agrees and suggests holding a raffle where people can enter for a chance to win the prize. They discuss the amount of money that would be reasonable for the raffle entry fee, settling on $100. They also mention the possibility of doubling the prize if the speaker’s friend Jenny joins them.The conversation then shifts to the topic of podcast editing. The speaker mentions receiving an email from a company offering to edit their podcast, but ultimately decides against it. They express a desire for more time in their day but also acknowledge that they prefer things done their way.The podcast host then asks about the speaker’s daughter, Arden, and how she is doing. The speaker shares that Arden is doing well in school and has been producing impressive artwork. They express pride in their daughter’s dedication to her artistic pursuits.In conclusion, the podcast transcript serves as a reminder of the importance of embracing creativity and exploring unique experiences to monetize a podcast. By offering special events or exclusive content, podcasters can generate revenue while providing added value to their audience. The conversation between the speaker and the podcast host showcases their enthusiasm and willingness to think outside the box, inspiring other podcasters to do the same.Community for type 1 diabetesOne of the key takeaways from the podcast transcript is the importance of community for individuals living with type 1 diabetes. The speaker mentions a private Facebook group called “Juice Box Podcast Type 1 Diabetes” as a place where people can find support and connection. This highlights the significance of creating a community where individuals facing similar challenges can come together to share their experiences, seek advice, and find a sense of belonging.Living with type 1 diabetes can be a challenging and isolating experience. It requires constant monitoring of blood sugar levels, insulin injections or pump usage, and careful management of diet and exercise. Having a community of people who understand these struggles can be incredibly valuable. It provides a space where individuals can feel understood, validated, and supported.The private Facebook group mentioned in the podcast transcript offers a platform for individuals with type 1 diabetes to connect and engage with others who are going through similar experiences. This online community allows members to share their stories, ask questions, and provide support to one another. It serves as a virtual support system that can be accessed at any time, providing a sense of comfort and reassurance.Additionally, the podcast host mentions various series within the podcast that focus on different aspects of diabetes management. These series, such as the “Diabetes Pro Tip Series” and the “Bold Beginning Series,” provide valuable information and insights for individuals living with type 1 diabetes. By offering this content, the podcast aims to educate and empower its listeners, further strengthening the sense of community and support.The availability of resources and information within the podcast and the private Facebook group is also highlighted in the transcript. The speaker encourages listeners to visit the website and explore the different sections to find what they are looking for. This emphasizes the importance of accessibility and providing a wide range of resources to cater to the diverse needs of individuals with type 1 diabetes.In conclusion, the podcast transcript emphasizes the significance of community for individuals living with type 1 diabetes. It highlights the importance of finding support, connection, and understanding in a community of like-minded individuals. The private Facebook group and the various series within the podcast serve as valuable resources and platforms for individuals to share their experiences, seek advice, and find comfort. By embracing community, individuals with type 1 diabetes can navigate their journey with a sense of support and empowerment.

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