When children are learning to write long before they can form letters accurately with tools like pencils or crayons, they can create them with their fingers in sensory trays and mold them with play dough. You may think if they can not write letters yet, there is no point in teaching how to form them, but there are benefits. The first is that as children learn to form letters, their letter recognition ability is aided. The second is that it helps to build students’ confidence about letter formation in a fun way! Add in these gingerbread cookie letters as guides, and this activity gets even better.

How to make letter trays for this gingerbread activity

Gather your materials. You will need the gingerbread letter printable, a cookie tray, laminator(optional) scissors, and play dough or sensory material like rice, and I mixed mine with some gingerbread spice.

Print out our letters and then laminate if you wish.

Place the letters with some play dough and invite your students to form the letters with play dough.

Children can make them as large or small as they wish – and if needed use the gingerbread letter as a guide.
Make A Sensory Writing Tray

Spread the sensory material on the tray. I loved how this rice with gingerbread spices smelled but be careful with spices and small children as it can irritate sensitive skin. You can also do this with shaving cream.

Use your finger to create the letter on the card in the rice . Give the tray a little shake and repeat with a new letter.
Need more than just one Gingerbread activity? Get our Gingerbread Printable Pack! Learn more about it here!