So it finally all happened.
Today, the wifey and I are officially no longer parents of infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers or primary school kids. We have, in fact, THREE teenagers at home now!

Yep, Ale turns 13 today.
*pause to allow that to sink in*
How on earth did that even happen so fast??? Ale is 13!!! As I am writing this post, she is in the bedroom, scrolling through the endless feed of YouTube videos. In fact, she just joyfully told me that she will be able to sign up for an Instagram account today because in her words, “the drama is all on IG!”. I playfully suggested that her IG handle can be “alephant” and she just trotted to the bedroom… AFTER giving me a cold stare.

Yep, Ale turns 13 today. 😅
And I am still trying to digest it all… even after having two boys who hit teenhood.

It’s hard to put into words the feelings I have as a dad when my baby girl is becoming a young lady. On one hand, I am proud of the young lady she is becoming. On the other hand, I miss the days when she was Daddy’s little girl.

Because after13 years of being the dad of a daughter, I realize how much my life has changed. The changes have been very different, very humbling, and very eye-opening as parenting daughters isn’t that similar to parenting sons.
I’m not entrirely sure if it is a ‘girl thing’, but having a daughter made me realize how soft I can actually be. Having a daughter brings out your soft side – any Dads can back me up on this? 😁 I can act and talk all tough on the outside but inside, I’m truly all mush. If someone had told me before the birth of my daughter that I would willingly change clothes for Barbie, or serve tea to My Melody, Dora and my daughter, I would have laughed my head off.

But I do all that willingly. How can I not, when she snuggles up next to me and lay her head on my arm while watching a YouTube video together, when she shares the same love for manga and anime like me, when she offers ideas for editing videos, when she keeps me up to date with trending songs, when she has always been the first of my kids to wish me ‘Happy Birthday’ every year, when she sits next to me and tells me about her day, and most importantly, when she still laughs at my ‘Dad jokes’ (ok, sometimes)!

I love Ash and Ayd too, but trust me when I say having a daughter has changed my life in ways that I never could have imagined. Now I understand what it means when people say having a daughter means she will have you wrapped around her finger the second she smiles at you for the first time.

And I have been wrapped all along for the past 13 years, with more to come surely.🤣
But I’m thankful for each and every one of them because she is a gift, just like the wifey and 2 boys. And even though I sometimes wish I had a pause button, I am looking forward to seeing her (and her brothers) continue to grow up, while the wifey and I continue to grow old together.

Happy 13th birthday, Ale!
I am excited for all that lies ahead for you and so grateful for every bit of the last thirteen years. I cannot wait to see what is in store for you. Keep being you, and I will always be your greatest fan.
You are our best dream come true.