Today on The Natasha Crain Podcast, I’m talking with my good friends from The Center for Biblical Unity, Monique Duson and Krista Bontrager, about their new book, Walking in Unity: Biblical Answers to Questions on Race and Racism. Ever since 2020, there have been all kinds of discussions about race in the church, and unfortunately a lot of those discussions have included some very unbiblical ways of thinking. I’m so grateful that Krista and Monique have written this excellent and accessible book that counteracts culture’s problematic ideas. In this conversation, we cover all kinds of topics, like:
- What is the difference between anti-racism, racial reconciliation, and biblical unity?
- Should the church see disparities between races as evidence of racism?
- Why haven’t churches been better at biblical discernment with respect to identifying unbiblical ideas about race and racism?
- How much should the church be addressing racial justice? Is it mostly a “progressive” issue?
- Is a colorblind approach the best solution?
- Should all churches be multiethnic?
- And much more.
Listen to this new episode in your favorite podcast player or in your browser here.
Also, a quick note to remind you that my new book, When Culture Hates You: Persevering for the Common Good as Christians in a Hostile Public Square, is coming out on February 4th, and if you preorder a paperback or ebook version now, you’ll get the audiobook read by me for free! All you have to do is preorder at the retailer of your choice, then submit the quick form here to let us know. You’ll get to download chapter 1 right away when you submit that form, then you’ll get the audiobook for free when it releases in February. If you know you’re going to want to get the book eventually, please take a minute to preorder because it really helps more people learn about it through higher rankings. As an author, I really appreciate your help with that! Thank you!